Les Brasseurs de Lorraine, 3 rue du bois le prêtre 54700 Pont-à-Mousson 

SIRET 442 021 663 00012 - APE 1105Z 

© Création BCD   

Brasserie Artisanale 

French Craft  



Les Brasseurs de Lorraine are 9 people who work daily to offer you quality craft beers and sodas.

Here is our team:

Régis Bouillon & Jean-François Drouin

Founders of the company. Master Craftsmen Brewers
"A duo management of our company based on our friendship and our passion for our products"

Jessica Etien

Commercial management and accounting

François Coney

Commercial for retail market

Yoan Muller

Brewer and maintenance

Mathieu Pesenti

Commercial for bars, restaurants, associations

Maxime Humbert

Brewer, quality, security

Freddy Thomas

Preparation of orders

Mélanie Gatica

Store reception

Les Brasseurs de Lorraine are 9 people who work daily to offer you quality craft beers and sodas. Here is our team:

Jean Wahl

Commercial for bars, restaurants, associations